LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Let’s do the math with Island Transit

Editor, I attended the Sept. 25 meeting of the Island Transit board and I want to share misgivings about what I heard. I am concerned with the idea that Island Transit is now “solvent.” It is not. The forecasted 2016 budget included over $118,000 in income from fares. Currently, fares are not charged by Island Transit. Although the board has discussed charging fares in the future, no motion has been discussed, let alone voted upon affirmatively.


I attended the Sept. 25 meeting of the Island Transit board and I want to share misgivings about what I heard.

I am concerned with the idea that Island Transit is now “solvent.” It is not. The forecasted 2016 budget included over $118,000 in income from fares. Currently, fares are not charged by Island Transit. Although the board has discussed charging fares in the future, no motion has been discussed, let alone voted upon affirmatively.

In addition, I’m waiting to hear how the State of Washington is going to pay for the increase in the expense of educating our citizens. Currently, citizens are paying $100 per day in fines for not having an answer to this problem. And yes, that money will have to come from the citizens.

Money raised from sales taxes are finite. If we are going to up the budget for education, and, now, paying all those fines, I fear that monies raised from sales taxes will be diverted from transportation, etc. to education, thus leaving Island Transit with less resources. In my opinion, a 3 percent increase in sales tax earnings is unrealistic.

I hope I’m wrong. We’ll just have to let this play out. Meanwhile, let’s just do the math.

