LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Money myth behind foster parents untrue

Editor, The popular myth surrounding foster care is that foster parents are in it for the money. This myth is not a reflection of the current reality. In Washington, foster parents are reimbursed at about 50 percent of actual costs that they incur in providing for the children entrusted into their care. This rate of reimbursement falls well below the Child Welfare Act, a federal law that requires the state to provide for the necessities of foster children in exchange for federal funding of its foster care program.


The popular myth surrounding foster care is that foster parents are in it for the money. This myth is not a reflection of the current reality.

In Washington, foster parents are reimbursed at about 50 percent of actual costs that they incur in providing for the children entrusted into their care. This rate of reimbursement falls well below the Child Welfare Act, a federal law that requires the state to provide for the necessities of foster children in exchange for federal funding of its foster care program.

Recently, a Washington task force concluded that the state’s inadequate funding was financially punishing foster parents by shifting a significant portion of costs of caring for children to voluntary foster parents whose personal funds were being depleted as a result.

Meanwhile, here on South Whidbey, the community continues to rally with strong support for local foster and relative parents.

Thank you, Friendship Star Quilters, for the beautiful, hand-made quilts that you donated for local children who are newly entering foster care.

Thank you, South Whidbey, community for your generous response to the first annual Spring Diaper Drive benefitting Island County children who are in foster care. Co-sponsored by Kids First and Soroptomists International of South Whidbey, the drive generated donations of diapers, Pull-ups, baby wipes, clothing and funds, which will be used to purchase more costly diapers for older children.

Kudos to the many participating South Whidbey merchants, and Soroptomists for their invaluable partnership.

Thank you most of all to Island County foster and relative parents. You are the normal in children’s lives. You hold the heart of family in your hands. Your selfless dedication embodies the protective graces of community in children’s lives. Your community stands tall in your honor.


Kids First Team
