LETTER TO THE EDITOR| No need to wait and see

To the editor:

Why would Senator Haugen, who represents Island County, take a “wait and see” attitude about reservations on our Clinton-Mukilteo ferry run? She indeed lives in Island County, but has no need to ride the ferry since Camano Island is accessed by a bridge.

At the local ferry meetings, it was a clear message that these reservations are not wanted, but then she didn’t attend all those meetings either. Politicians are supposed to represent their constituents. I wonder if she gets priority boarding?

Also the ferries division assistant secretary Mosley stated in his weekly report after he came to Whidbey Island that those on South Whidbey were “apprehensive” about a reservation system. Obviously these people read into these meetings what THEY want to hear and are not really listening to those involved and affected by their actions.

How nice that they are “looking” 20-some years down the line and even thinking of spending $28 million to $45 million to implement this. We taxpayers simply can’t afford to keep these people. They had money to purchase ferries several years ago; no ferries came about and nobody will say where all that money went!

They need to concentrate on the current problems and not waste time and money by coming up with ideas on how to spend what they don’t even have. If they implement this ridiculous idea, then we must insist on reservations on the floating bridges, the Narrows bridge and even the major highways. I’m sure if this is such a great plan, this would certainly alleviate the commuter congestion and make them even more pleased with their ideas.

Thank goodness for Representatives Bailey and Smith who truly listen to their constituents and do not take the “wait and see” attitude. Thanks to you!

Roberta Tarr
