LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Noise control in Langley possible

Editor, I’ve worked in acoustics and noise control most of my life, and therefore have a few bona fides on the subject, and I take issue with Langley Planning Director Jeff Arango’s belief that sound level meters are “subjective.” That’s like saying that thermometers and smoke detectors are subjective. It’s what you do with the data that counts.


I’ve worked in acoustics and noise control most of my life, and therefore have a few bona fides on the subject, and I take issue with Langley Planning Director Jeff Arango’s belief that sound level meters are “subjective.” That’s like saying that thermometers and smoke detectors are subjective. It’s what you do with the data that counts.

I take no position on Mo’s, other than the belief that public houses are good for the public‘s health and welfare. But if Langley really wants to learn how to regulate noise, they merely have to adopt the Washington State noise standards, which are thoughtfully written and are but a few keystrokes away on the internet.

