LETTER TO THE EDITOR | ‘Piety’ won’t get it done in Island County

I just wanted to comment regarding the “Let us pray” article in the June 5 South Whidbey Record.

To the editor:

I just wanted to comment regarding the “Let us pray” article in the June 5 South Whidbey Record.

To be honest, I think this sort of activity is of such a private expression that it should be held privately. The feigned expression of “piety” in public by someone like Kelly Emerson is quite inappropriate.

Is this the same Kelly Emerson that referred to a fellow commissioner as a “bitch” at a meeting one time? Is this the same Commissioner Emerson who rolls her eyes whenever a topic comes up that is not on her Tea Party agenda?

This is a “born again Christian?”

You must be joking.

Prayer is not going to bring “civility” to any discussion that the commissioners take on as long as there’s disdain for the business at hand. Civility will come with honest engagement by people of integrity, not feigned piety by public servants whose basic attitude seems to be “it’s going to be my way or the highway.”

If the commissioners would like, I would be more than happy to come up to Coupeville every Monday to officiate a prayer meeting. I’ll even bring some of my favorite prayers.

I, myself, am praying that the commissioners actually try to get something done to benefit the people as opposed to this type of self-aggrandizing public display that is completely inappropriate in the halls of government.

Dan Freeman
