LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Please, please, no more signs on South Whidbey

Editor, To the Port of South Whidbey and Island Beach Access. Please, please, please no more signs. We often hear about noise pollution and how that negatively affects our ability to concentrate and, over time, makes us irritated (which may be what’s going on here) and we’re all well aware of chemical pollution, air pollution, and water pollution and their negative ramifications, but let’s also take a look at visual pollution (pun intended).


To the Port of South Whidbey and Island Beach Access. Please, please, please no more signs.

We often hear about noise pollution and how that negatively affects our ability to concentrate and, over time, makes us irritated (which may be what’s going on here) and we’re all well aware of chemical pollution, air pollution, and water pollution and their negative ramifications, but let’s also take a look at visual pollution (pun intended).

We, of course, need some signs to get around. I’m not saying we shouldn’t have any, but we have signs welcoming us to the island, signs welcoming us to our cities, myriad signs telling us which ferry lane to drive in and when and how much it will cost us if we get in too soon or how to rat us out if we try to cheat the line, turn lane signs, gas station signs, restaurant signs, farmers markets signs, company signs, street signs, stop signs. We have herds and herds of little blue signs with house numbers and giant blinking signs telling us there’s a corner ahead (I particularly detest having these ugly things on our beautiful rural roads).

Now the beach access people want more signs showing people where the public beach accesses are? On the road side and the beach side? Please, no.

How about a great website, an application and printed brochures with a map and making the brochures readily available on the ferries, stores or the visitor kiosks.

Let people enjoy the serenity of a beautiful beach experience without another sign.

