LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Pres. Obama, here’s my hope list


To the editor:

Barack Obama, congratulations on winning the campaign for president. I expect you to accept the position with profound sincerity in swearing to protect and uphold the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

At the beginning of a new era I want you to know that my hopes and aspirations for America include:

The restoration of a voting process worthy of our collective trust; the elimination of electronic voting machines with proprietary software; the universal use of paper ballots.

Instant run-off voting.

The restoration of the League of Women Voters as the controlling agent in presidential debates.

Public funding of the presidential and Congressional campaigns with short campaign seasons.

The restoration of regulation on media consolidation. Increased disparity in news sources.

The elimination of provisions giving corporations rights as persons. Limitation of lifetime and purpose of corporate charters granted.

An end to the funding of private contractors in Iraq.

The return of all U.S. troops from Iraq to the U.S.

The closure of all U.S. military bases in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.

Reversal of the Patriot Act and the restoration of constitutionally guaranteed rights of citizens.

Reversal of the telecom immunity regarding spying on American citizens and the prosecution of infringement of privacy rights under the U.S. Constitution.

The cessation of all warrantless spying on American citizens by the NSA and/or any other agency.

The restatement of the alignment of the United States with the Geneva Conventions; the cessation and renouncement of torture in all forms; the closure of Guantanamo prison.

Significantly greater limits on lobbying.

The investigation and prosecution of war crimes perpetrated by the Bush administration so that it will never happen again.

A thorough investigation and prosecution of the events of 9-11.

Cessation of the incarcerations of individuals found guilty of victimless crime.

Legalization of the cultivation of hemp for industrial purposes.

A significant reduction in the ridiculously huge Department of Defense budget.

John Hurd
