LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Satire useful in anti-wage increase

Editor, Raising the minimum wage is done for the same reason that Social Security recipients receive a cost-of-living adjustment. Greenbacks lose value over time; once $10 would have paid rent on a nice house for a month.


Raising the minimum wage is done for the same reason that Social Security recipients receive a cost-of-living adjustment. Greenbacks lose value over time; once $10 would have paid rent on a nice house for a month. If your rent is $500 per month this year it will be $550 per month next year, and so on. This would have been missed in a full-throated defense of the president’s case for raising it, but upon reading Mr. Joiners’ stunningly brilliant fusion of pointless rambling, ignorance, selfishness, greed, and mean-spiritedness [Feb. 1 edition of The Record], it gives me hope for the students of tomorrow. His command of satire is truly faultless. An excellent example of Poe’s Law in action.

Bravo sir, bravo.

