LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Say no to ferry reservations

To the editor:

The Department of Transportation has misused ferry money for several years and has nothing to show for it!

Why is it the ferries are singled out? They are, whether our leaders realize it or not, part of the highway system.

Closing down routes or scaling them back is like closing lanes on I-5, or closing down bridges so they won’t need resurfacing or repairing. The whole situation is ridiculous to say the least.

NO reservation system for the ferries; just more money needed for software and management not to mention the changes in the ferry traffic at the toll booths. The rich get the advantage; those who work or are retired are penalized if they can’t come up with the extra fee! Also those without cell phones or computers will be discriminated against. This is just another poorly thought out process by our leaders in hopes of adding more money to their coffers.

If you have a need to be on the mainland at a specific time, just plan to get to the ferry at least one ferry ahead of time. No added cost and just a little more of your time; it actually works! We’ve been doing it for many, many years.

Write to your congress people; don’t put up with their “canned” responses to a situation none of them has to experience.

Roberta Tarr
