LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Speak out against moneyed interests now

Editor, The people of Washington State should support the Overturn of Citizens United versus Election Commission. The influence of money on elections and government policy is now much worse than before the Supreme Court decision. This is not a partisan issue, it is a real assault on our democracy. The grip of corporations and big donors on our political process is not democracy and it silences the voice of the people.


The people of Washington State should support the Overturn of Citizens United versus Election Commission. The influence of money on elections and government policy is now much worse than before the Supreme Court decision. This is not a partisan issue, it is a real assault on our democracy. The grip of corporations and big donors on our political process is not democracy and it silences the voice of the people.

Sixteen states have called for a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court decision. Washington State is on the verge of becoming number 17. A letter declaring Washington’s support is circulating in the state legislature right now.

To move this issue forward I call on the residents of our district to call state Rep. Dave Hayes, R-Camano; Rep. Norma Smith, R-Clinton; and Sen. Barbara Bailey, R-Oak Harbor, to sign the letter. They know that money in politics is a problem and we need to let them know how important this issue is to us and the country.

Your voice is important. When moneyed interests try to silence it we must speak louder.

