LETTER TO THE EDITOR | State parks made the right decision

Editor, My name is Aaliyah. I’m a 9-year-old girl who goes to Calyx Community Arts School, which is located at South Whidbey State Park. We take care of the park and walk the trails almost every day. We monitor the trails in case a tree falls or a bridge is broken or there is a limb blocking the path, and then we report it to the ranger. At Calyx, we don’t go on the trails when it’s very windy.


My name is Aaliyah. I’m a 9-year-old girl who goes to Calyx Community Arts School, which is located at South Whidbey State Park. We take care of the park and walk the trails almost every day. We monitor the trails in case a tree falls or a bridge is broken or there is a limb blocking the path, and then we report it to the ranger. At Calyx, we don’t go on the trails when it’s very windy.

I love camping at the South Whidbey State Park, but I think the rangers made the right decision to shut camping down at the park so no one gets injured in a storm by a tree. Big wind storms are more likely to happen at night and the park doesn’t want people sleeping under hazardous trees.

The park is still open for day use. So come, walk the trails. The trails are safe. The park has some amazing old growth trees, an awesome beach and lots of cool animals and plants.

I hope to see you soon on the trails!


Calyx Community Arts School