LETTER TO THE EDITOR | SW Children’s Center expresses gratitude

Editor, The South Whidbey Children’s Center would like to take this opportunity to thank many local businesses, foundations and individuals for their support over the past year.


The South Whidbey Children’s Center would like to take this opportunity to thank many local businesses, foundations and individuals for their support over the past year.

Without your donations, grants and assistance we would not be able to offer a quality early learning and childcare program. Through your support we have been able to offer scholarships to families that are not able to pay the full cost of tuition, purchase new materials, support the local economy and ensure that the children at the center have well-educated and dependable teachers through paying livable wages and benefits. They also allow us to maintain and continue to improve our center and before/after school care program and offer professional development opportunities for our staff and community.

The South Whidbey Children’s Center has played a vital role in the South Whidbey community for over 30 years and continues to be on the forefront of early learning. This is in great part due to the ongoing support of our community.

And so, it is with deep gratitude we would like to thank all of you who have supported us in large and small ways throughout the year.

During 2013, the South Whidbey Children’s Center received re-accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children, renovated our outdoor play yard, created an outside art studio, worked in conjunction with our public school and other early-learning programs toward aligning teaching around literacy and supporting children through Kindergarten transition, and participated in the Infant Toddler project through the Department of Early Learning.

We would not have been able to accomplish so much without help from the community. We look forward to 2014 and all that it offers and we are so proud to be a part of the South Whidbey Community.

Thank you for your support.


South Whidbey Children’s Center