LETTER TO THE EDITOR | SWYC has my full support

To the editor:

As the parent of a freshman boy who attends the Hub program, I applaud the decision of South Whidbey Youth Connection to make condoms available to youths attending the Hub After-School Program.

None of us like to think of our children as being sexually active before they are ready.

I talk to my child frequently (much to his chagrin) about my feeling that he is too young for a sexual relationship and I encourage him to wait until he is an adult in a loving, monogamous relationship to engage in sexual behavior. I watch him and supervise his activities to monitor his behavior for many reasons, including sex.

In the event that my best efforts are not effective and my child decides to have sex, I also keep condoms available in my home and have talked openly with my son about condoms being the most effective barrier, outside abstinence, to HIV, STDs, STIs and pregnancy.

Experts in the field of prevention (including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control) agree that it’s a myth to say that making condoms available encourages youths to engage in sexual activity.

Studies in the American Journal of Public Health show that condom availability programs do not encourage teens to initiate sex and do not cause sexually active teens to have sex more often or with more partners.

Parents, please do not be fearful that your child will be encouraged to engage in sexual activities because they see condoms available in the Hub or any of the other local areas they can be found. Continue to talk to your child about what’s best for them, encourage them not to succumb to pressures of today’s youth culture and watch them carefully. It’s tough being a teen these days.

I’m writing a hefty donation check to SWYC today to put my money where my mouth is. They have my support!

Holly Morgan
