LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Teen’s immaturity sparked the rant


To the editor:

How disheartening it was to read the above-mentioned letter to the editor recently published in The Record. What a misguided and dishonest person the young man has shown himself to be.

(I was somewhat surprised to learn that he is only 16. I took him to be late teens or early twenties.)

I was there when Danny Zuver approached the ICRP booth and indicated his desire to learn more about the Republican Party. One of our volunteers stepped up to show him the materials available and to engage in friendly discussion. We welcome young people and are pleased when they express interest in learning about candidates, the differences between the two major parties or politics in general.

While I cannot speak with absolute certainty as to the conversation between Zuver and the female volunteer he spoke with initially, it soon became clear to me that it was getting out of hand. The young man was focusing on abortion and raising his voice. Nearby vendors and passers-by were staring.

I stood to participate in the conversation and to support our party’s position on the right to life vs. abortion. Zuver did not appreciate my interference and stated that “crack whores” should have abortions whenever they were pregnant to avoid “having little pieces of s__t” born that would be a drain on society. After trying to reason with him for a moment, I could see that his mind was closed, as was mine. I told him that neither of us would convince the other to change our minds and suggested he should move on. Danny refused to leave and began using foul language to emphasize his opinions, including the “F” word.

At that point, Bill Thompson, another volunteer, stood up and demanded that Zuver leave.

He refused saying, “No, I don’t have to!”

He continued to rant while Bill again requested that he leave or he would call the sheriff. At that point Zuver resorted to using “sign language” to express himself. When I pulled out my camera and snapped a photo, he decided it was in his best interest to go and began to move away.

He continued his verbal assault with vile and foul language as he was leaving. I kept my camera out and caught a full-body photo of him about 20 feet from our booth as he turned back and made another obscene gesture.

Danny’s statement that I, as the “second woman” said it is “America’s duty to rid the world of Islam” and that it is “our nation’s duty to kill and/or convert Muslims” is an outright lie. Further, nobody in the booth would have made such a ridiculous statement.

Republicans believe in personal, civil and religious freedom. Anyone is welcome to review the Republican platform as it is public information and posted at click here.

I too was born and raised a Democrat, and I have hope when this 16-year-old reaches maturity, he will be able to reason rationally and not react on impulse. I hope he begins to understand that you don’t change minds by acting bullish, screaming louder and using vulgar, threatening gestures.

I also hope he learns tolerance and to control his temper.

Mary Jane Aurdal
