LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Tooth fairy doesn’t exist at golf course

Editor, In a recent editorial about the Holmes Harbor Golf Course, you wrote, “If there is more to it than that, and this really is about money and making the most from an investment, then they should be clear about their intentions publicly, for the surrounding community has a vested interest in what happens at the golf course.”


In a recent editorial about the Holmes Harbor Golf Course, you wrote, “If there is more to it than that, and this really is about money and making the most from an investment, then they should be clear about their intentions publicly, for the surrounding community has a vested interest in what happens at the golf course.”

What do you think these two gentlemen bought this property for? How stupid is the community at large to believe they had any other motive than profit on their investment? There was ample opportunity for some altruistic soul to purchase the property and maintain it in perpetuity for the benefit of the community. We all know the tooth fairy doesn’t exist, don’t we?

