LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Trump support letter can’t go unanswered

Editor, I have to respond to Ed Hickey’s letter, “Trump isn’t perfect, but he deserves a fair chance,” in the March 30 edition of the South Whidbey Record. To leave it stand is just something I can’t do. After reading the letter a few times I had to wonder if Ed read the letter at all or has ever listened to Trump’s speeches.


I have to respond to Ed Hickey’s letter, “Trump isn’t perfect, but he deserves a fair chance,” in the March 30 edition of the South Whidbey Record. To leave it stand is just something I can’t do.

After reading the letter a few times I had to wonder if Ed read the letter at all or has ever listened to Trump’s speeches. It looks as though he cut and pasted some talking points from a couple of Sarah Palin’s drunken rants. Is it a “dreaded racist ploy” to point out Trump’s overt racism? Is it unfair to point out Trump’s many business failures ending in bankruptcy? Is it unfair to criticize Trump when he says such idiotic things?

When asked who he would rely on for advice he said, “I have a good brain and know lots of words so I would seek my own counsel first.” Is it fair to point out that your criticism of Obama for not being in the military, yet having the gall to be commander-in-chief doesn’t quite meet the smell test. Trump evaded the draft yet you would trust him to be commander-in-chief? Is this because Obama isn’t orange?

People who read this letter remember this: Ed Hickey can vote and he will be doing his bit “To make America great again.” If that doesn’t scare the bejeezus out of you and drive you to the polls to vote for the Democratic nominee then there’s no excuse for you. Ed can’t remember that we got into this mess because of Republican incompetence and criminal intent, then Republicans made a pact to obstruct everything because they wanted to thwart Obama. Now they want to blame anyone but themselves for this mess, except if he’s orange.

