LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Viewpoint writer is right, there’s more to a reputation than a new name

Editor, In regard to Robert Boehm’s viewpoint concerning orthopedics, “A reputation is earned, not made with a new name” in the April 9 edition of The Record, I recently went to the South Whidbey Clinic for shoulder pain, a branch of WhidbeyHealth. I was also referred to an orthopedic surgeon attached to the hospital. I could not get an appointment sooner than two months. I am quite physical, living on a farm, dealing with a fair amount of pain, for what appears is going to be an extended period of time.


In regard to Robert Boehm’s viewpoint concerning orthopedics, “A reputation is earned, not made with a new name” in the April 9 edition of The Record, I recently went to the South Whidbey Clinic for shoulder pain, a branch of WhidbeyHealth. I was also referred to an orthopedic surgeon attached to the hospital. I could not get an appointment sooner than two months. I am quite physical, living on a farm, dealing with a fair amount of pain, for what appears is going to be an extended period of time.

In talking to the surgeon’s office, asking for an earlier date, they told me if the pain is a problem, go to the emergency room. There is probably a good chance it will be the same surgeon mentioned in Mr. Boehm’s letter, so I have some concern.

I asked South Whidbey Clinic if there were any other options, like Everett, and they told me “no,” not with my insurance. I am retired Boeing. There must be another answer to this, as I suspect I have a failing tendon in that shoulder. Other than that, I am in agreement as far as service experiences at the hospital; I think they are super.

Now I have no idea where to go to get this taken care of, or even looked at from an expert’s point of view. Two months of suffering with this is very disappointing, not to mention what I might have to go through once it is diagnosed.

