LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Volume of fireworks in Island County is beyond comprehensible

Editor, I sent the following letter to all three Island County commissioners: Commissioner, are we crazy? Thanks for your efforts to reduce the legal explosion period from eight days to three next year. Three days too many, of course. What goes on in Island County is beyond comprehensible. How is it possible that people have the right to detonate high-powered explosives disrupting the peace, scaring the hell out of man and beast alike, endangering the environment and creating havoc completely out-of-line with the wishes of the residents of Island County (and, frankly, anywhere that sanity reigns).


I sent the following letter to all three Island County commissioners:

Commissioner, are we crazy? Thanks for your efforts to reduce the legal explosion period from eight days to three next year. Three days too many, of course. What goes on in Island County is beyond comprehensible. How is it possible that people have the right to detonate high-powered explosives disrupting the peace, scaring the hell out of man and beast alike, endangering the environment and creating havoc completely out-of-line with the wishes of the residents of Island County (and, frankly, anywhere that sanity reigns).

Looking ahead to 2017, how are the fireworks going to be monitored and enforced? What are the consequences for endangering the public and disrupting the peace and quiet that we deserve.

Don’t be duped for a moment —the insanity that we call the Fourth of July has become little more than an excuse to blow the crap out of Island County.

Please re-double your efforts to ban fireworks completely. Work with your colleagues to make this happen. Put banning fireworks to a public vote. Make people a priority over profits.

Unhappy to be living in a war zone named Whidbey.

