LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Volunteers seek to inspire

To the editor:

I would like to personally thank the many wonderful, caring, and generous people in this community and beyond that have come together in a variety of ways to aid in forming Equestrian Crossings (EqX).

We are Whidbey Island’s newest horsemanship program for people of all abilities including those with special needs and our goal is to be a fully integrated program designed to enrich, empower and inspire the lives of people with the help of our amazing horses! We are ready to begin our sport riding and harness driving lessons after many months of hard work and planning. Our EqX Instructors (Denise Boyett, Miriam Burk, Gretchen Van Male and myself) have over 45 years of combined equestrian teaching experience, including special needs therapeutic sport riding as well as integrated vaulting and harness driving experience.

Equestrian Crossings is affiliated with CHA (Certified Horsemanship Association) and the AVA (American Vaulting Association), both respected national organizations responsible for certification of instructors and providing safety standards of operating. Additionally, ALL EqX instructors are certified by NARHA, an outstanding national organization that certifies instructors and accredits therapeutic riding programs providing services to special needs populations. The restriction to serving only the special needs community would prohibit EqX’s main goal: to be a high-quality, professional program that is all inclusive and accessible to as many people as possible.

In addition to being NARHA registered riding instructor, Miriam Burk holds certification from AVA and CHA for vaulting, which is a form of gymnastics and dance on horseback. Miriam has taught at programs in Virginia and Washington.

Denise Boyett is a NARHA certified Harness Driving Instructor and is sport riding certified from CHA. She is a native Whidbey Islander and also has a degree in Therapeutic Recreation.

Moving here from a program in Arizona, Gretchen Van Male brings with her extensive knowledge as a NARHA registered riding instructor.

Lastly, in addition to being a NARHA Registered Riding Instructor, I am a licensed physical therapist and Level I certified from the American Hippotherapy Association (AHA).

All of our instructors have proudly chosen to maintain their NARHA certifications and follow the safety guidelines of ALL of the organizations that have shaped our education.

For all of their time, effort, and commitment, their financial support through donations of money, equipment, meeting space, arenas for use, and for donating their talents to this organization, (my sincerest apologies if I have forgotten anyone), we thank: Denise Boyett and Ryan Raymond, Miriam and John Burk, Gail Corell, Joy Rutherford, Lili Yocom, Tony Lamb, Michelle Lachman, Lynn Smith, Donna and John Riley, Anne Chambers, Alice Biddulph, Vicke Yarwood, Gretchen Van Male, Susan Babcock, M. Kathryn Babcock, Ashley McConnaughey, Lori and Cara Mathews, Jerry and Carolyn Gravo, Jim McMahon, Kailei Roberts, Becky Montanya (WIRE-Whidbey Island Rescue of Equines), Kicking Horse Coffee (Canada), Skagit Farmers Oak Harbor-Jennifer Roberts, Knight Riders 4-H Club, Cambey Apartments (Coupeville), Carolyn Rutherford, CareAge of Whidbey (Coupeville), Central Whidbey Fire District (Race Road Fire House), St. Augustine’s Episcopal Church (Freeland), Max Corell, Lilian Poulsen, Gretchen and Megan Thorn, Nancy Brink (Kansas), Laura Pavlak (Missouri), Kim Knott, Peg and Randy Diefert, Donna Mitchell, and Jerry and Connie Lloyd.

Thank you again to all who have supported the beginning of our journey!

Emily Brink

President, Board of Directors

Equestrian Crossings