LETTER TO THE EDITOR: We danced the night away

To the editor:

To all those who came out to support WSU Extension by kicking up their heels at the Barn Dance on Sept. 6, THANK YOU!

On an island where every weekend is filled with events and fundraisers, it was heartwarming to see how quickly the dance floor filled up with people who recognize the funding challenges our local Extension programs face.

It was also inspiring to see Walter Dill and his daughters Twyla and Celina teaching young and old how to add some swing steps to their repertoire! Their kind and humorous instruction made folks quickly feel at ease, and before long everyone wanted to be out on the floor taking part in the fun.

It was especially nice to see fathers and daughters, mothers and sons, grandparents and grandkids, on their feet and moving to the music. We hope families will continue to take advantage of this great way to do something positive with each other as Walter works with the 4-H Program to offer more extended lessons.

The music definitely helped keep the dance floor full, as the Coyote Blues Band played their trademarked “tasty rock and cookin’ blues” to the delight of everyone.

And of course, the setting couldn’t have been more perfect for a WSU Extension fundraiser inside the largest (and one of the oldest) barns still working to support local agriculture on Whidbey Island, with doors open to let the music waft down toward the marine waters we all work so hard to protect. Thanks to Bill and Renee Smith, Georgie Smith and Charles Arndt for letting us use your landmark barn for this event.

When you work as hard as WSU Extension Programs do to provide resources and support to so many different layers of a community, it’s not always easy to say out loud that in order to continue such services you need financial support.

But we’ve now said it. And in this case, your grace on the dance floor was mirrored by your grace in donating to our cause. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Judy Feldman

Interim Director

WSU Extension in

Island County