LETTER TO THE EDITOR | We’re grateful for your support


To the editor:

Whidbey Island Nourishes would like to thank the many people that supported us in our recent fundraiser held at Useless Bay Coffee.

Major thanks to Des and Tracy Rock for donating and preparing all the amazing Spanish/Moroccan food served to happy party-goers. He and his terrific staff did a fabulous job.

Whidbey Children’s Theatre found Jasmine O’Brochta from South Whidbey High School, Nishiko Thelen from the Waldorf School, and Jachen Mackner, who helped stress our focus on serving youth. And special thanks to David Ossman, our mc/auctioneer, and Hedgebrook for the loan of their sound system.

Troy Chapman and James Hinkley provided us with beautiful live music. Thanks to Hedgebrook and Goosefoot for lending their sound system.

Many businesses supported our silent auction with donations: Wayward Son, Beach Cabin, Northwest Language Academy, Reed Design, Cultus Bay Nursery, Three Sisters, Georgia Gerber, Rob Schouten Gallery, Fran’s Chocolates, and Fox Hollow Farm. We also are grateful to all who received an invitation and sent a donation even though they couldn’t attend!

During these tough economic times we were fortunate to receive such great support from our community. We thank you all.

Mary Fisher

Whidbey Island Nourishes