LETTER TO THE EDITOR: You can’t just pray away the gay


To the editor:

I did not choose, I was chosen. Do you think I would choose to be something that the “norm” society would discriminate against, ridicule, belittle, harass, bash and sometimes murder. I think God chose about 10 percent of the population to become homosexuals so that he could test the others for acceptance, compassion and love. It is they that will be judged.

For Gov. Sarah Palin’s church to intimidate homosexuals by having them join her church and promising them through prayer that they will be changed into a heterosexual is absurd. How would they feel about a church trying to change them from heterosexual to homosexual?

For the first 27 years of my life, I tried to change for society and for people like “high and mighty” Palin and it just didn’t work. I don’t need some dictator/bully to tell me what I’m supposed to be when I have already been chosen. If one of her children/grandchildren came to her and said they are gay and she tried with powerful prayer to change them and all else failed, would she disown them, I mean abort them? That is if they hadn’t taken their own life for feeling they have failed family and society. What’s next, gays will be targeted from aircraft? Feed her to the starving polar bears!

Marilyn Armbruster
