LETTER TO THE EDITOR | You’ve helped us make progress


To the editor:

The staff and board of directors of Citizens Against Domestic & Sexual Abuse (CADA) thank our generous community for enabling some of the most at-risk members among us to live safer lives. As Island County’s domestic and sexual abuse agency, we would not be able to provide services needed by so many victims without the good people of Whidbey and Camano islands.

We just completed an extremely busy year.

In 2009, we provided advocacy services to 932 victims. These services include domestic violence and sexual-abuse education, safety planning and referrals for essentials such as clothing, food and housing.

Additionally, we are fortunate to be able to provide emergency shelter and transitional housing services to victims who are homeless due to domestic violence. Our advocates provide medical responses to Whidbey General Hospital, court support and support during CPS hearings. Our Youth and Community Educators work with our youth in the schools on issues of bullying and healthy relationships, and offer community-based parenting classes, as well. Through our cell-phone recycling program, we provide clients with cell phones with free 911 service.

We are proud that while attention and resources are invested in supporting survivors, we are also committed to preventative and educational measures. Thanks for helping us carry out both of these critical jobs.

As we enter a new year and a new decade, we must continue our vision, which is a community free of sexual assault or domestic violence.

Thanks in large part to the charitable nature of our community, we have made progress. We have more clients living in safety and hope for the new year. This letter is not the place to list the dozens of generous people and organizations who helped us in 2009.

But YOU know who you are, and we embrace you for embracing us. We want the entire Island County community to know how grateful we are.

Margie Porter

Executive Director