Letter: Wright is answer for the future of Oak Harbor


Let’s talk about honor, courage and commitment. I am not a political person, I do not care who you are, what you are or from what side you come from. If you are the most qualified individual for the position then I choose that individual.

Why would you not choose that individual who had the honor, courage and commitment to defend our country?

Why would you not choose that individual who had the honor, courage and commitment to work at the IRS as a supervisor and brings that knowledge into the business community for many years but especially helping businesses survive the very harsh years and repercussions of COVID-19 and the impact it had on our business community? (Having the knowledge and understanding of the grant/ loan processes and tax laws was priceless.)

Why would you not choose that individual who has the courage, commitment and knowledge to question the financial health of our city?

Why would you not choose that individual who had the honor, courage and commitment to his family in sickness and in health?

Why would you not choose Peggy as the next First Lady of Oak Harbor?

Why would you not choose that individual who had the honor, courage, and commitment to give unselfishly to his community by way of sponsoring numerous community events, volunteering his time on numerous boards throughout the community and many more?

So ask yourself these questions before you make cast your ballot for the next mayor of Oak Harbor, I am sure you will come up with the Wright answer.

I have had the pleasure and honor to work side by side with Ronnie Wright throughout my years with the Greater Oak Harbor Chamber of Commerce, to trust his business with my taxes, and best of all I have the pleasure to call Ronnie and Peggy my dear friends. I wholeheartedly support Ronnie Wright for the next Mayor of Oak Harbor.

Vicki Graham

Oak Harbor