LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Emergency care was all positive

To the editor: Last Thursday afternoon we were walking up Second Street for an early dinner at Mo’s Pub. I tripped and fell flat on my face which briefly knocked me out.

To the editor:

Last Thursday afternoon we were walking up Second Street for an early dinner at Mo’s Pub. I tripped and fell flat on my face which briefly knocked me out. Within minutes the Langley Police Department was on the scene administering emergency care. They were incredible.

A few minutes later the Bayview EMT ambulance crew was on the scene. They took charge and in no time I was on the way to Whidbey General in Coupeville. The EMT teams are obviously well trained and professional.

The outstanding care continued in the emergency room at WGH. This was my first personal experience with emergency care and I must say that it is comforting to know that these folks are around.

