LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Fed up with Langley politics

Oh, Langley, please get over yourself. I am canceling my subscription to this paper and choosing a more island friendly attitude, the Whidbey Examiner.

To the editor:

Oh, Langley, please get over yourself. I am canceling my subscription to this paper and choosing a more island friendly attitude, the Whidbey Examiner.

I am at my end with the whining and complaining of miseries of Langely politics. What has happened to a wider, more comprehensive view of news on our island? Added to this is the small minded behavior exposed by the treatment of the musicians at the beloved Choochokam Festival.

This attitude is a devastating blow to the  community spirit and most assuredly to the entrepreneurship of the courageously struggling businesses. Shameful. Could someone please tell me who the sister city is to Langley? Perhaps L.A.?

Johanna Marquis
