LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Haugen’s on top of the issues

To the editor: Over the last few weeks I have received a spate of GOP postcards painting Sen. Mary Margeret Haugen as unresponsive, old fashioned, and various other things. That is completely untrue. Sen. Haugen is the most responsive, up to date, on the ball state senator this state has.

To the editor:

Over the last few weeks I have received a spate of GOP postcards painting Sen. Mary Margeret Haugen as unresponsive, old fashioned, and various other things. That is completely untrue. Sen. Haugen is the most responsive, up to date, on the ball state senator this state has.

She has gone to bat for Island County time and again. She is on top of every issue our county is facing, and has responded quickly and thoughtfully to our needs.

Sen. Haugen is a powerful mover and shaker in Washington, and fortunately she represents us. The ridiculous claims that Sen. Haugen’s opponent has made are just plain dopey. If we lose Sen. Haugen to a newbie politician, it will send Island County to the back of the line. We need Sen. Haugen’s expertise, her connections, and her willingness to listen and work hard for all of her constituents. Sen. Haugen is Island County’s “man on the ground” in budgetary matters, and we cannot afford to change horses in the middle of this tough economic race.

Sen. Haugen is willing to work with anyone regardless of party affiliation, for the good of her constituents, She runs on her record, and has not used distortions to make herself look better. Sen. Haugen has been there for us…we need to be there for her; because we need her now more than ever.

Laura Taylor
