LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Price Johnson: A ray of light

I am writing in support of Helen Price Johnson’s re-election this year. I came to know Helen over the years as a local business owner and active community volunteer.

To the editor:

I am writing in support of Helen Price Johnson’s re-election this year. I came to know Helen over the years as a local business owner and active community volunteer. I observed that she demonstrated excellent leadership qualities in whatever role she served in church, school, community or business.

As our Island County commissioner she has restructured county departments to increase effectiveness and efficiencies with fewer resources and has been a good steward of Island County water resources, parks and trails.

In situations where ideas and policies are challenged I have seen Helen respond in respectful, fair minded and even handed ways. She is always willing to listen to anyone’s opinion. In an era when politics is often polarized and one party doesn’t want to hear out the other she is a ray of light. She listens and looks for the common goal everyone can agree upon and to unite people to work together.

She was elected to her first term of office at a difficult time when budget cuts were necessary. She was forced to make cuts but froze her own salary and cut her benefits to save the county money as well. Responsible government action and constituent concerns are important to her.

She works collaboratively to address constituent concerns whether it is hunting at Deer Lagoon, signing, safety, public beach access or transportation issues. She has facilitated easier public access to county government and works to encourage economic growth in our county. I believe she has demonstrated responsible and responsive administration of county government. I plan to vote for Helen Price Johnson for Island County Commissioner and urge you to do the same.

Gail Pierce
