LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Violence is with us always

To the editor: Americans are known to seek the “quick fix” when faced with a problem. Gun control is not a problem. It is a dichotomy.

To the editor:

Americans are known to seek the “quick fix” when faced with a problem. Gun control is not a problem. It is a dichotomy. As explained in the Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, “a division or the process of dividing into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities.”

There is no “quick fix” to gun control. On one hand are the rabid gun fanatics who fear the government will snatch their beloved weapons from their cold, dead hands. Secondly are the shy sisters who fear and loathe weapons in any form. The act of killing or violent sporting practices horrify these where some sort of weapon is involved be it firearms, archery or axe throwing.

Unfortunately, the world we live in will not countenance those who would live peacefully. There will always be violence on a personal, national or international level. Anyone who has been mugged well understands the need for a protective force. Anyone who has served during wartime well understands the need for an organized military.

Violence is rife throughout the Bible and history. For any number of reasons, some humans will always resort to violence to solve a problem.

How do we handle the gun issue? The only single answer is education. Instruction must start at an early age, instilling a love of fellow man, recognizing violence for what it is, and understanding force is not an acceptable answer.

For those who are beyond educating, either because of attitude or mental illness, there is no hope. The attitude that force is met with force is a maxim once learned cannot be undone.

Peace-loving people living today must accept and live with the violence of those who know no other way.

We have accepted force, police, military and those who are personally armed to meet individuals or organizations who would force others to submit to their will.

It will take eons to change the attitudes of humans. The religions of the world advocate peace, but recognize the need for force to counter force.

It is sad but true, we must endure violence because there is no single solution to stop the killing.

Richard M. Brauer
