LETTERS TO THE EDITOR | Wake up, voters are being duped

To the editor: Liberals in America — wake up! Conservatives in America — wake up!

To the editor:

Liberals in America — wake up! Conservatives in America — wake up!

You are being duped and do not even see it. You have both become so intolerant of one another that you have left behind the principals that make Americans unique in the world — integrity, creativity and compromise.

Liberals, do not be seduced by the temptation of recognizing corrupt conservatives and say to yourself, “those self righteous, corrupt conservatives, they are all wrong.”

And conservatives, never say to yourself, “those amoral liberals cannot be listened to.”

You are throwing out the baby with the bath water!

A warning — when lacking integrity and compromise, the polarized winners of that battle will become trapped in a spirit of despotism.

We must fight for liberty, truth, and tolerance; and also the fact that unless we pool our views in a spirit of love and truth, there is no strength — only weakness proven out by the divisions within our house. Diversity is strength, but only when carried with the understanding that no person has all power. Compromise is the path to victory for both parties. The division of powers in our constitution is to be respected and not diminished, for in its demise we realize our fall. In its glory of expression, the constitution becomes the driving force of free enterprise and creativity within the bounds of law.

But instead we have become lazy and refuse to do the hard work. We blame and do not create productive compromise. We demonize rather than draw distinctions. We carry our significance with our identity of political affiliations. When did politics become so important? When did we start embracing the end to justify the means? We bear false witness to the truths we know in our hearts. What is driving us and how can we find unity again? America — wake up!


