More information is needed on diking district | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor:

The Dick McGrath letter regarding Dike District 1 pump project reminds me of a Toyota representative telling its customers that we have a car that can help you to a better life.

The full details regarding the Deer Lagoon pump project are still slowly forthcoming. It is like pulling teeth trying to get information from Diking District 1 Commissioners Gabelein and Arnold. McGrath makes Gabelein and Arnold sound like community heroes for a job well done.

Let us see their qualifications. The pump project was kept secret from Diking District 1 voters for at least five years, no vote on pump project was allowed, the Army Corps of Engineers classified a $450,000 pump as a maintenance, issued the wrong permit to the wrong government agency, all this was based upon information that they received from Gabelein and Arnold. Oh yes, and the best part is that they got someone else to pay for it. This has been going since the 1930s.

The problem is that Arnold and Gabelein provide minimum information to comply with a law. They disregard the whole ethical aspect. If everything were fully disclosed (no secrets) from the beginning, we would not be in this mess.

Leo Cruise

Sunlight Beach