P.O. Box holders ‘discriminated against’ by Census | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

If you are wondering why you have not received your Census forms and all your friends have received one, or two or maybe three, we may have the answer. The U.S. Postal Service is not allowed to put Census forms into post office boxes. You must receive them at your residence. That means that a lot of Island County will not be counted.

To the editor:

If you are wondering why you have not received your Census forms and all your friends have received one, or two or maybe three, we may have the answer.

The U.S. Postal Service is not allowed to put Census forms into post office boxes. You must receive them at your residence. That means that a lot of Island County will not be counted.

Oh, someone may or may not come to your home (it costs the government $56 for each knock on your door). You may or may not be home. (If you are, do you invite them in? Offer them beverages? Do we even know the protocol?)

It would be much cheaper if the Census Bureau created a form for post office box holders. They could use a bar code just like the “regular” forms.

How hard can that be? At the risk of using a term that is bandied about way too often, we box holders are being discriminated against!

Ken and Peg Urstad
