Spring brings more than rain | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Spring has brought us rain and kicked off the political run into 2012.

To the editor:

Spring has brought us rain and kicked off the political run into 2012. Yes, Dan “Far Left” Freeman has kicked off the political season by throwing rocks at the Republicans. If you thought we had a long gloomy winter, hang on to your hats; I’m sure the political run to 2012 will be much longer and nastier.

I can’t answer Dan’s questions for all Republicans, but will offer some personal views.

The budget. Nearly every economist from both sides of the aisle agrees on one thing: We cannot continue to spend at the current levels. Throwing money at our problems (education, food programs, jobs) is not always the answer. Most countries spend far less than we do on education while their children continue to outperform ours. Why? Unions. Spending $787 billion of stimulus money to create jobs didn’t work well. In one study, $111 million in stimulus money was spent to create 54 jobs. Serious cuts and changes must be made.

Obamacare. Yes, our healthcare system needs some serious improvements, but it doesn’t need a government takeover. We cannot afford to insure everyone in America without impacting the quality of healthcare millions of Americans have worked hard to obtain. It will also put the country’s financial future at risk.

Redistribution of wealth (taxes). I worked hard my whole life, raised a family and was able to obtain my goal to retire. I give to various charities I feel are worthy, and do not need the government’s help in distributing any of my money. Most Americans are decent and give where they can. The wealthiest also give far more than their fair share supporting social programs worldwide. I truly believe in helping the “helpless,” people who have serious impairments that limit them from competing in the open market and chasing the American dream. I do not believe in helping the “hopeless,” people who have cruised through life with their only goal being to take advantage and abuse every entitlement program they could find, make little contribution, and want free healthcare and continued handouts.

War. As a veteran, I unconditionally support our troops. Wars are nasty, and some seem more necessary than others, but we cannot hug our enemies and maintain the freedoms we enjoy. I don’t like the anti-war signs I see here on the island or some opinions in the newspaper, but I accept that it’s their right to freely express themselves.

And a question to Dan: Why the vicious attack on Republicans? Was it the beating the Democrats took in November? Republicans don’t hate people, they are people like you and me who may have different political views.

I do dislike people spewing political rhetoric using words like “hate” to incite people. Shame on you Dan.

Tim See
