Thanks and thanks not so much | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: Thank you to all of the caring people who took time to help round up nine alpacas and return them to their own pasture and to those who stopped to offer help.

To the editor:

Thank you to all of the caring people who took time to help round up nine alpacas and return them to their own pasture and to those who stopped to offer help.

The “breakout” happened at a busy intersection with stop signs on only the cross street. The traffic on Cultus Bay is very fast and the potential for an accident in this situation is high.

One call to 911 and several to the sheriff’s office resulted in impatience on their part and a “no show” by the deputy they say was notified.  A call to the fire department to ask if they had any volunteers who might help with traffic control was answered with, “We don’t round up alpacas.” Not what I asked. Chalk it up to poor listening skills I guess. Oooo … not a good quality in a dispatcher, come to think of it.

You may ask why I didn’t call animal control. Well, because of the numerous calls I have made to them over many years, they have never made it down here in time to take care of a situation. Never.

So, to our caring neighborhood, thank you, and to you others, sorry I bothered you!

