Thanks to Hearts & Hammers | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: I am usually not one to do this, but I had to write and acknowledge Hearts & Hammers and all that they do.

To the editor:

I am usually not one to do this, but I had to write and acknowledge Hearts & Hammers and all that they do.

I am a single senior citizen and, as so many, I have a very tight budget with which to live on. I was told about Hearts & Hammers by a friend of mine and after getting over being a person who doesn’t like to ask for help, I gave them a call.

Matt Fisher came to my home and not only was saying he and his team could help me with what I needed, but actually went above and beyond and did more than I expected.

With the economy the way it is a lot of charities suffer for donations. I just want to let the people of Whidbey Island know that if they are able to give to a charity, either monetarily or by volunteering, Hearts & Hammers does a lot for our community and should be supported in every way possible.

