Washington, D.C. trip was worthy | LETTER TO THE EDITOR

To the editor: In March, I met with Rocky Knickerbocker and Chet Ross in Washington, D.C. in an effort to gain support for the proposed Freeland Sewer project.

To the editor:

In March, I met with Rocky Knickerbocker and Chet Ross in Washington, D.C. in an effort to gain support for the proposed Freeland Sewer project.

Our trip was successful in that our personal visit was appreciated and we were assured by federal officials that the project would fare well once grant funding became available, as briefly described in your recent article (South Whidbey Record, June 25).

What was not clear in your story were the facts that I took a red-eye flight to reduce my stay to one night, for a total lodging expense of $199 plus tax, my dinner cost $17 and I paid for some of my other expenses personally. Further, no entertainment receipts were reimbursed by the county.

It is an important part of my job as commissioner to actively advocate for our community at the state and national level. I am honored to serve the citizens of Island County and continue to strive to be a good steward of our scarce resources.


Island County Commissioner