The following are segments of stories taken from the front pages of the Whidbey Island Record 25 and 15 years ago on Thursday, Feb. 23, 1967, Tuesday, Feb. 18, 1992, and Feb. 23, 2002.
50 years ago
Editor: Dan Stebbins
Distinguished Flying Cross awarded Ben Breedlove
“In recent ceremonies at Ft. Rucker, Alabama, Major Ben L. Breedlove of Langley was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and Bronze Star medal. The color-presentation was highlighted by an infantry battalion marching to the music of the 98th Field Army Band.
“The Distinguished Flying Cross is the nation’s highest combat award for heroism in the air.”
25 years ago
Editor: Jim Larsen
Nichols launches largest boat yet
“The largest boat Nichols Brothers has ever built started inching its way toward the sea in a launch begun Monday morning.
“The 234-foot-long Star of Honolulu, all two million pounds of her, virtually dwarfed the boat yard buildings that gave her birth. The behemoth was created in sections and assembled, and looked uncomfortable in its cramped boatyard quarters.”
15 years ago
Editor: Matt Johnson
Skateboard park is over budget
“South Whidbey skateboarders and freestyle bicyclists hit a pothole this week on the road to building a skate park.
“On Wednesday, South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District commissioners and others interested in building the park learned that construction will be at least $35,000 more expensive than they thought.
“The proposed facility, to be located at South Whidbey Community Park, is a collaboration between the parks district and the South Whidbey Rotary Club.”