South Whidbey seniors direct, design and act in play

A play about tests will test the students who direct, act in and design it.

A play about tests will test the students who direct, act in and design it.

South Whidbey High School drama students present “Testing, Testing,” a play in three acts by Alan Haehnel, at 7 p.m. Friday, March 13 and Saturday, March 14 in the high school auditorium.

The play is a collaborative project between the drama students of Don Wodjenski’s drama class and Jeff Greene’s technical theater class. Each act is a separate play directed by senior drama-class students.

In the first act, “High Stakes,” Sarah Muncy-Gordon directs the story of the pressures placed on Mindy, the smartest girl in school, who struggles to focus on a standardized test while all around her the classroom is a riot of noises and distractions only Mindy seems to hear.

In act two, Max Cole-Takanikos directs “Honor Bright.” Scott is a senior who must pass a social studies final in order to graduate, but due to a recent break-up with his girlfriend, has failed to study. In the teacher’s absence, Scott attempts to convince his peers to help him with the test.

Act three tells “Wendy’s Tale,” directed by Nikki Enters.

Wendy is highly intelligent, but does not test well. Through Wendy’s narration and a series of flashbacks, the audience is treated to her imaginative approach to dealing with tests.

Wodjenski, who oversees the production, meets periodically with the seniors to

listen to their ideas and provide suggestions.

“Taking on the dual responsibilities of directing and acting is a huge challenge I have put on the drama class seniors,” Wodjenski said.

“The need to be completely immersed in the story, from directing the cast in line delivery and blocking, to creating their own believable characters, falls to these, our most

experienced players. I am confident they will shine.”

The technicians observed the rehearsal process while taking notes on lighting and sound cues.

Keeping track of cues in three separate plays is no easy feat, as the actors rely on the backstage technical crew to make sure the play runs smoothly. The students of Greene’s class are responsible for a lot of the guts of the production with little of the glory.

“Testing, Testing,” is a test for everyone involved. To see if they passed, go see it.

Tickets cost $5 at the door or free with an ASB card.