Camping limits eyed by Langley City Council

Time limits for camping at the Island County Fairgrounds will get a second pass by the Langley City Council on Monday. The council previously heard of an update to city code about camping restrictions in May, and agreed then to consider the issue further.

Time limits for camping at the Island County Fairgrounds will get a second pass by the Langley City Council on Monday.

The council previously heard of an update to city code about camping restrictions in May, and agreed then to consider the issue further.

A two-week limit with a possible extension every six months was proposed by Langley Police Chief Dave Marks and Director of Community Planning Michael Davolio. The council is expected to vote on the ordinance amending a section of Langley Municipal Code at its regular meeting on June 1.

Also on the agenda, a land swap is proposed for a remodel of the Star Store entrance on Second Street. In a memo from Public Works Director Stan Berryman, part of the existing Star Store structures are on the McLeod Alley right of way.

To have room for the improvements, the store’s owners are asking for an equal land exchange that would require a right-of-way vacation by the city.

“As the vacation will result in a significant improvement of the Star Store with no loss of public right of way, the staff recommends approval of the resolution and the vacation,” Berryman wrote in the memo.

Additional business licenses are being proposed for the city. One is for a seasonal license of 90 days, which would cover food truck vendors.

Temporary business licenses would be for up to 10 days and renewed up to another two 10-day periods each year.