Christian Science service explores ‘Mind’

On Sunday, Feb. 19, the Christian Science service will explore “Mind” as a synonym for God.

On Sunday, Feb. 19, the Christian Science service will explore “Mind” as a synonym for God.

“In Science and Health,” “Mind” is defined as “the one God” or the source of all life, truth and love. This “Mind” is the source of power that Jesus used to heal the sick and raise the dead, not his mortal brain.

Today, some people use the phrase “mind over matter” to refer to using their brains as a source of power, but this week, readings from the Bible and correlative passages from “Science and Health” will illustrate how claiming the Divine Mind as the only cause can bring the power to affect change into your life today.

All are welcome to this service to increase the understanding of God as Mind at 10:30 a.m. Sunday at 15910 Highway 525, just north of Bayview and across from Useless Bay Road. Sunday school is also available at that time.