Diers joins Whidbey Watershed Stewards board | NOTABLE

Sarah Diers, a former South Whidbey science teacher and fisheries biologist, was elected to the Whidbey Watershed Stewards Board of Directors in September.

Sarah Diers, a former South Whidbey science teacher and fisheries biologist, was elected to the Whidbey Watershed Stewards Board of Directors in September.

Diers is the owner of Wander on Whidbey, an outdoor recreation shop in Langley. She has worked as a commercial crab and salmon fisher in Alaska and spent three months in the Antarctic as a National Science Foundation PolarTREC participant. Her blog and journals from that time can be found online.

When Diers taught at the middle school, the watershed stewards worked with her students on restoring the wetlands behind the school. The staff continues to work with students there, clearing away invasive vegetation.

The group is delighted to welcome Diers to the team, and looks forward to learning more about her adventures around the world and her ideas for the future of its educational work on Whidbey.