Donations sought to help grads party

Help is being sought for lower income Class of 2000 graduates at South Whidbey High School who want to enjoy the drug and alcohol free party on graduation night.

“Help is being sought for lower income Class of 2000 graduates at South Whidbey High School who want to enjoy the drug and alcohol free party on graduation night.The Grad Nite Committee of parents has arranged a full night of activities, including a dance, laser tag, mini golf, and other fun distractions. Locations include the Seattle Aquarium and Funtasia.The chaperoned party ends at 5 a.m. the morning after graduation. Approximately 95 grads want to go, but not all can afford the $112 cost, said Shannon Dumke of the Grad Nite Committee.An effort is under way to raise money to help those who can’t afford it. Checks may be sent to SW Grad Nite, c/o Helen Bass, 1953 E. Shore Ave., Freeland WA 98249, or simply make a deposit in the Grad Nite account at InterWest Bank in Freeland. Donations must be received by May 15. For more information call Dumke at 331-3968.”