Dozens of trees blown down in South Whidbey Community Park

Tuesday’s storm knocked down over 40 trees at Community Park, and some are hazardous to trail walkers.

Tuesday’s storm knocked down over 40 trees at Community Park, and some are hazardous to trail walkers.

That was the report South Whidbey Parks and Recreation District Director Doug Coutts gave the commissioners at their regularly monthly meeting Thursday. Also, the pump house near the water tank at the park was struck by a tree, which is preventing water from reaching the sports complex.

Community Park bathrooms are still open and available, however, as well as the athletic fields.

Waterman and Westling loops were the most damaged by the storm.

But despite the damage, Coutts reported an upside; the trees could potentially be sold to loggers due to their good condition. In the meantime, the district is working out a plan to clear trails for public use.