Drivers should avoid downtown Langley

City of Langley officials are urging visitors and residents to avoid trying to park downtown during this weekend’s Choochokam Arts festival.

City of Langley officials are urging visitors and residents to avoid trying to park downtown during this weekend’s Choochokam Arts festival.

“Downtown parking is so limited, they’re just going to come down and be frustrated,” Police Chief Bob Herzberg said Thursday.

He urged drivers to park outside the downtown core and take the shuttle bus into town. Space is available in the Langley Middle School and the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church parking lots, he said.

The free shuttle will make a continuous loop along De Bruyn Avenue, Third Street, Park Avenue, Sixth Street, Cascade Avenue and Second Street downtown. A free shuttle will also be available at the Clinton ferry dock.

The Star Store parking lot off Second Street and other business parking areas will be retained for customers, Herzberg said.