‘Evolution and American Culture’

Scientific understandings that led Charles Darwin to formulate his theory of natural selection, commonly known as “evolution,” are now so well-proven that many marvel that anyone can fail to accept them. However, many do and creationism and intelligent design proponents resist learning from the discoveries of science.

Scientific understandings that led Charles Darwin to formulate his theory of natural selection, commonly known as “evolution,” are now so well-proven that many marvel that anyone can fail to accept them. However, many do and creationism and intelligent design proponents resist learning from the discoveries of science.

Rev. Kit Ketcham will consider how this resistance has affected American culture. All are welcome at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at 10 a.m. Sunday, March 25 at 20103 Highway 525 in Freeland. Children’s religious exploration classes and childcare will be available. Visit www.whidbey.com/uucwi.com for more information.


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