Gary Locke coming to Freeland

Governor will attend fund-raising dinner Aug. 31 for Rep. Dave Anderson.

“Gov. Gary Locke will attend a fund-raising dinner for Clinton Democrat Dave Anderson at Freeland Hall on Thursday, Aug. 31.The event, a $25 per plate sockeye salmon barbecue, begins at 11:30 a.m. Doors will remain open until 1:30 p.m., with the governor expected to arrive shortly after noon.Admission at the door will be limited to space available, so reservations are encouraged. Call Marty Behr at 331-7787 for information.Anderson, a 26-year South Whidbey resident, is seeking a third 2-year term in the November election as 10th district representative. He is being challenged by Republican Barry Sehlin of Oak Harbor, who held the seat himself for six years before stepping down. “