Homola to challenge Bailey for Senate seat

Former Island County Commissioner Angie Homola is jumping back into politics, announcing today that she will challenge Sen. Barbara Bailey for her seat in Olympia this November. Homola, an Oak Harbor Democrat, announced her bid to oust Bailey, R-Oak Harbor, during the General Election with a news release Thursday morning. She cited a platform of greater accountability for taxpayers and a reprioritizing of spending to put 10th Legislative District priorities first.

Former Island County Commissioner Angie Homola is jumping back into politics, announcing today that she will challenge Sen. Barbara Bailey for her seat in Olympia this November.

Homola, an Oak Harbor Democrat, announced her bid to oust Bailey, R-Oak Harbor, during the General Election with a news release Thursday morning. She cited a platform of greater accountability for taxpayers and a reprioritizing of spending to put 10th Legislative District priorities first.

“I am running for the Senate to restore accountability when it comes to our tax dollars and to ensure the residents of Island, Skagit and Snohomish Counties get their fair share in services from our State Government,” said Homola, who served as a county commissioner from 2009 through 2012. “Bailey has been in Olympia for 14 years yet we continue to hear excuses on why we can’t better fund our schools, or guarantee reliable ferry service, or adequately invest in services for seniors, veterans, or the mentally ill — 10th [Legislative District] residents deserve better.”

A call to Bailey Thursday morning was not immediately returned.

Homola, along with Commissioner Helen Price Johnson, were the first female Island County commissioners elected. Homola served one four-year term but lost a bid for re-election in 2012 to Commissioner Jill Johnson, an Oak Harbor Republican.

According to the news release, Homola has lived in Island County for 19 years. She is an architect, small business owner, and former machinist and carpenter. She has two children and her husband, a U.S. Navy P-3 Orion pilot, serves at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island.

Bailey is a longtime state lawmaker. She served at least four terms as a 10th District representative before unseating former Sen. Mary Margaret Haugen, D-Camano, who served for decades in Olympia. Bailey is just wrapping up her first four-year term in the Senate.

According to the news release, during Homola’s term general fund expenses were cut 20 percent to prevent “a financial collapse of Island County Government.” She also touted improvements to veterans services, the creation of long-term water protections, tourism promotion and government transparency.

“As a commissioner I helped refocus our county government and increased transparency for local taxpayers – we need more of the same at the state level,” said Homola, in the release. “Barbara has been in Olympia for 14 years and though I thank her for her service it is time for new blood that will work harder for our interests instead of playing politics with the Olympia establishment.”