Horse performance, Western games and beef at Whidbey Island Fair

The following are Whidbey Island Fair exhibit and competition award winners, listed by name, city of residence, class description and placing.

The following are Whidbey Island Fair exhibit and competition award winners, listed by name, city of residence, class description and placing.

Junior performance horse

Ellie Thomson, Langley, bareback equitation – English or Western, grand; Ellie Thomson, Langley, hunt seat equitation, grand; Ellie Thomson, Langley, stock seat equitation, grand; Ellie Thomson, Langley, trail, grand


performance horse

Ashley Menges, Oak Harbor, bareback equitation – English or Western, reserve; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, bareback equitation – English or Western, grand; Ahnika Burt, Freeland, hunt seat equitation, grand; McKenna Kelley, Langley, hunt seat equitation, reserve; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, stock seat equitation, grand; Molly Mills, Freeland, stock seat equitation, reserve; Ashley Menges, Oak Harbor, trial, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, trail, reserve; Ahnika Burt, Freeland, reinsmanship, grand; Alexandra Bannister, Freeland, driving pleasure, reserve; Ahnika Burt, Freeland, driving pleasure, grand; Blazin Saddles (team/company), Oak Harbor, club drill, reserve; Whidbey Wranglers (team/company), Clinton, club drill, grand

Senior performance horse

Katherine Houck, Oak Harbor, bareback equitation – English or Western, reserve; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, bareback equitation – English or Western, grand; Megan Miller, Langley, hunt seat equitation, reserve; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, hunt seat equitation, grand; Megan Miller, Langley, stock seat equitation, grand; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, stock seat equitation, reserve; Anna Leski, Freeland, trail, grand; Megan Miller, Langley, trail, grand; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, trail, reserve; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, reinsmanship, grand; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, driving pleasure, grand; Samantha Leese, Oak Harbor, driving pleasure, reserve; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, driving precision, grand; Breann Edwards, Langley, groom squad (seniors only), reserve; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, groom squad (seniors only), grand; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, groom squad (seniors only), grand; Morgan Mackie, Clinton, groom squad (seniors only), reserve; Megan Miller, Langley, groom squad (seniors only), grand; Megan Miller, Langley, discipline rail English (seniors only), reserve; Allyson Roberts, Coupeville, discipline rail English (seniors only), grand; Megan Miller, Langley, discipline rail Western (seniors only), reserve; Allyson Roberts, discipline rail Western (seniors only), grand

Junior Western games

Ryder Kinskie, Idaho figure 8, grand; Ryder Kinskie, two barrel flag race, grand

Intermediate Western games

Serenity Birchfield, Langley, poles, grand; McKenna Kelley, Langley, Idaho figure 8, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, Idaho figure 8, reserve; Serenity Birchfield, Langley, key race, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, two barrel flag race, grand; Serenity Birchfield, Langley, speed barrels, reserve; McKenna Kelley, Langley, speed barrels, grand; McKenna Kelley, Langley, international flags, grand; Camden Miller, Oak Harbor, international flags, reserve; Alexandra Bannister, Freeland, Texas barrels, reserve; Camden Miller Oak Harbor, Texas barrels, grand

Senior Western games

Hunter Newman, Clinton, poles, grand; Kacie Hanson, Clinton, Idaho figure 8, reserve; Logan Madsen, Clinton, Idaho figure 8, reserve; Dylan Woodward, Langley, Idaho figure 8; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, key race, reserve; Logan Madsen, Clinton, key race; grand; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, two barrel flag race, grand; Hunter Newman, Clinton, two barrel flag race, reserve; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, speed barrels, reserve; Dylan Woodward, Langley, speed barrels, grand; Alexandra Foode, Clinton, international flags, grand; Dylan Woodward, Langley, international flags, reserve; Hunter Newman, Clinton, Texas barrels, grand; Dylan Woodward, Langley, Texas barrels, grand

Junior 4-H beef

Sidney Ollis, Langley, showmanship, grand; Sidney Ollis, Langley, late summer yearling heifers calved July 1-Aug.31, 2014

Intermediate 4-H beef

Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, showmanship, reserve; Samantha Ollis, Langley, showmanship, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, junior heifer calves calved after Jan. 1, 2015, grand; Samantha Ollis, Langley, senior heifer calves calved Sept. 1-Oct.31, 2013, grand; Samantha Ollis, Langley, senior yearling heifers calved Sept. 1-Dec. 31, 2012, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, mature cow, grand; Ainsley Nelson, Clinton, cow/calf pairs (calf must have dropped after Jan. 1, 2014), grand; Samantha Ollis, Langley, market steer 1,000 lbs. or more (2 allowed), grand