Langley math students solve state algebra challenge | NOTABLE

Students from Langley Middle School’s 6th grade advanced math class placed 4th overall in the Washington State Algebra Challenge in June.

Students from Langley Middle School’s 6th grade advanced math class placed 4th overall in the Washington State Algebra Challenge in June.

The 25 students worked on algebra problems online for five days and placed 2nd at the 6th grade level for the state. The competition was sponsored by the University of Washington.

For their efforts, students were awarded certificates, stickers and a Nexus 7 tablet for the school.

The award-winning students include Keegan Bryan, Graham Colar, Russell Daly, Brent DeWolf, Maxwell Dodd, Aidan Dona, Amara Fulton, Emma Gibson, Brock Gray, Niki Greene, Sophie Hamer, Farriss Jokinen, Caitlyn Jonsson, Marla Kelly, Michael Maddux, Ainsley Nelson, Kyah Nelson, Jordan Neubrech, Carli Newman, Annie Saltee, Lillian Timms, Jadan White, Kylayna White, Jasmine Wu and Mary Zisette.

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