Langley planner to speak at international conference

Little Langley will be on an international stage next month at a conference for community planners. Director of Community Planning Jeff Arango was invited to be a speaker at the Future of Places International Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conference’s theme is Streets as Public Places and Drivers of Urban Prosperity, and it is part of a series leading up to a United Nations gathering, Habitat III in 2016.

Little Langley will be on an international stage next month at a conference for community planners.

Director of Community Planning Jeff Arango was invited to be a speaker at the Future of Places International Conference in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The conference’s theme is Streets as Public Places and Drivers of Urban Prosperity, and it is part of a series leading up to a United Nations gathering, Habitat III in 2016.

The topic of his talk will be placemaking and how Second Street’s redesign incorporated elements that attract people and encourage them to stay a while.

Originally, he was invited to attend the massive event Sept. 1-3, which included his admission costs. He applied and was accepted to speak at the conference where he’ll be among 320 other planning professionals.

Travel is being partially covered by the Langley Main Street Association, a nonprofit committed to revitalizing the downtown area.